Is Counseling For Me?

by Gail Schuster, LCSW  

Counseling is a process of self-discovery that focuses on feelings and relationships and how we interact with our world.  It is a type of learning about oneself that can help people deal more effectively with the ups and downs in life such as stress, self-esteem issues, life-cycle events, grief, relationship problems, depression, addiction and substance abuse.  

No matter your age, there are situations in life that can complicate your mood and interrupt your ability to problem solve or even function. This is normal. Usually you can work it out and things improve. For those times when the problems seem to control your feelings and cloud your life, counseling is a resource that can help. In counseling, you’ll have an opportunity to talk to a neutral person who will listen and help you sort things out. 

Talking to others is something we learn to do early in life. It is a tool we use to help us solve problems, and it helps us bond with others and feel connected. When life is problematic, however, we tend to retreat and may find it difficult to share our innermost worries and feelings. Why do we stop talking? Perhaps we are ashamed, embarrassed or fear that others won’t understand or will judge us. Perhaps we are so overwhelmed we don’t know what to say. Holding thoughts inside creates an inner burden that saps energy and oftentimes leaves us feeling disconnected and alone.

Counselors are trained to help people learn to begin the conversation again. In a safe, confidential environment, a counselor can help you explore your struggles and teach you ways to resolve them so they are not repeated in the future.   

CJFS offers counseling for individuals, couples and families. We also offer educational group counseling on such topics as Caregiver Support and Aging with Grace. These programs help participants explore their feelings and behavioral responses to specific life events. CJFS is always open to offering additional group counseling programs to serve the needs of our clients and community.

A licensed clinical social worker at CJFS can help you learn more about yourself, work through a problem or improve your relationships. Counseling services are often covered by Medicare and other insurance. As always, our fees are based on income, and we use a sliding scale to determine a fee that is affordable for all.

For more information about counseling from CJFS, visit, email Marcy Morgenbesser, clinical director at or call 205.879-3438. 

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