Our Pasts Can Be the Ultimate Resource

by James Cannon, LMSW

Memories are powerful. They can shape our decisions. They also help us reflect on our
past in ways that alter our point of view or transport us to other moments in our lives. Nostalgia,
on the other hand, is more than just a fond memory. Nostalgia is defined by longing. Sometimes
this feeling of longing for another time is so deep that it is painful.

In my experience as a social worker, I’ve noticed that nostalgia comes up in conversations
with clients of all ages. I’ve listened as children and teens reminisce about their lives: times
when school was simpler; when friendships seemed less complicated; and, perhaps, when life at
home was less chaotic. In working with older adults, sometimes that longing for the past is
palpable: when they had more energy; a life to build; or found purpose in work, family and
community. But I’ve realized that while younger people are still collecting memories, older
adults have a wealth of experiences to draw on, and this richness can be a helpful tool.

I am struck by the strength of fond memories in providing joy and hope. As a social
worker, my goal is always to collaborate with those I work with they navigate difficult
circumstances. Whether a client needs community resources to meet material needs or assistance
as they face tough choices about healthcare or housing, my respect for each person’s unique life
experience always comes into focus. Memories of overcoming past challenges can be wonderful
motivators for bravery and reminders of resilience. They hold our life lessons that come with
both successes earned, and mistakes made.

Oftentimes, the greatest resource a person has is their own lifetime of memories and experiences to pull from when making decisions. On the other hand, lingering too long in a state of nostalgia can be an excuse to avoid making hard decisions. It can also keep us from clearly seeing the positive parts of our lives as they are unfolding. Happy memories are comforting, but it is important to remind ourselves we are more than our pasts. It is in the present, no matter what stage of life we are in, where change and
growth are possible.

Professional counseling from CJFS is confidential, and is often covered by insurance. To learn more, visit cjfsbham.org/our-mission/professional-counseling or email us at jfs@cjfsbham.org or call 205.879.3438.

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