“It’s Like a Dream!”

CJFS is more than a service provider; we are a lifeline for those in need. For one senior client, who we will refer to as ‘Ms. B’*, CJFS became a source of support during a time of significant health challenges and unsafe living conditions. She did not feel safe in her home and had even expressed hesitation about being able to take her service dog outside for a walk. One of our Personal Care attendants saw each week the negative impact her environment was creating and spoke up.

Seeing the need for action, CJFS stepped up to help. Our CJFS social worker offered both practical assistance and emotional support to ensure the client’s physical and mental well-being. They were able to identify and put into action a plan that could improve ‘Ms. B’s’ quality of life.

She needed someone who could accompany her to the doctor and could help explore housing options that were safer and more appropriate. After being on a waiting list for two years, an opportunity to move to a safer and more suitable environment finally became available. CJFS helped coordinate the move, arranged for professional movers, and provided reassurance throughout the process to make the transition as smooth as possible for both ‘Ms. B’ and her dog.

This change made a meaningful difference in our client’s life. Once ‘Ms. B’ was settled in her new place, there was a clear improvement in her health and mindset. She shared, “Now that I am at my new place, my health is improving, my mood is improving. Everything in my apartment works. It is like a dream and I have to pinch myself to see if it is real!”

This story is just one example of how our work at CJFS positively impacts the lives of the people we serve, helping them navigate complex systems, accompany them to doctor’s appointments, being an advocate for them, and helping them find renewed hope.

If you or a loved-one is struggling with the challenges of life, please contact CJFS at jfs@cjfsbham.org or 205.879.3438, to see how we can help.

*please note that for purpose of our client’s anonymity, the pseudonym ‘Ms. B’ has been used.

Elderly Care Birmingham
Elderly Care Birmingham
Elderly Care Birmingham
Elderly Care Birmingham
Agile Life Care Association